DE-STAR / Courtesy of NASA |
DE-STARLITE / Courtesy of NASA |
Scientists have finally created a science-fiction-scale weapon that can deal with asteroids.
DE-STAR, also known as "directed energy system for targeting of asteroids and exploration," can use laser beams to evaporate potentially hazardous asteroids.
Although the concept has been around for several years, recent research shows it is now possible.
But scientists say that although the technology is already available, the real challenge is building it to a proper scale to be effective.
"The main challenge with building a full DE-STAR is to ascertain a proper scale that will be effective in practice," said Qicheng Zhang, a professor at the University of Santa Barbra and a head researcher on the project.
Researchers had pointed out that the laser array system's panel, which reflects laser beams shot from satellites on to a target must be almost the same size as the asteroid it is seeking to vaporize.
This led researchers to initiate a smaller project, the DE-STARLITE. The weapon system uses smaller satellites and less power to divert the asteroids rather than destroy them.
A 20 kilowatt version of DE-STARLITE operating for 15 years could deflect a 300-meter asteroid at a distance of almost 13,000 kilometers. Using a process called laser ablation, it erodes asteroids, which in turn changes the object's mass by burning part of it. The burnt asteroid then shifts its course and flies away from Earth.